


Life Beware invites citizens to final event

Life Beware Final Event

On the 4th of June 2022 in Santorso, the conclusion was drawn after 46 months of the LIFE BEWARE project. It was an opportunity to bring together experts, technicians, administrators and citizens in a well-paced day full of activities aimed at a wide audience.


Life Beware’s Monitoring Visit

Life Beware’s Monitoring visit

The Life Beware Project was promoted with full marks by the European supervisors who examined the remarkable results achieved. During the monitoring visit, which took place on April 27th, the experts from Brussels have reviewed the series of Natural Water Retention Measures (NWRM) carried out in Santorso and Marano Vicentino.


Life Beware at The Nature of Cities Festival – “Nature Based Solutions for a more resilient territory – How can Municipalities better implement them?”

Life Beware at The Nature of Cities Festival – “Nature Based Solutions for a more resilient territory – How can Municipalities better implement them?”

As part of the Nature of Cities Festival, a 3-day virtual event  (29th – 31st of March 2022) that pushes the boundaries of radically imagining our cities for the future, the LIFE Beware project joined on the 30th of March by holding the workshop “Nature Based Solutions for a more resilient territory – How can Municipalities better implement them?”.


Life Beware at The Nature of Cities Festival – “Reshaping Cities: How Urban Areas Can Tackle Climate Change”

Life Beware at The Nature of Cities Festival – “Reshaping Cities: How Urban Areas Can Tackle Climate Change”

As part of The Nature of Cities Festival, a 3-day virtual event (29th – 31st of March 2022) that pushes the boundaries of radically imagining our cities for the future, the LIFE Beware project will actively participate on the 29th of March by holding the webinar “Reshaping Cities:How Urban Areas Can Tackle Climate Change”.


Training Online

Training Online - NBS

This training is foreseen for those interested in replicating the pilot interventions (Natural Water Retention Measures) implemented and tested by the LIFE BEWARE project. It is targeted specifically for Eu Municipalities, public technicians and local administrators, but it is available also for representatives of universities, CSOs, etc.


Foundation of the LIFE BEWARE Purchasing Group

Foundation of the LIFE BEWARE Purchasing Group

The Life Beware buying group has been set up with the aim of reducing the price of water resilience measures in the household.


Presentation event of the AltoVicentino Mayors Adapt Strategy

Presentation event of the AltoVicentino Mayors Adapt Strategy

More than 50 participants from various realities of the territory, from local administrations to members of the academic staff, actively took part in the online event “The AltoVicentino Mayors Adapt Strategy” organised within the framework of the LIFE Beware project.


Inaguration of Lake Giavenale

Inaguration of Lake Giavenale

Foto Laghetto4.F.B.

Inauguration of Lake Giavenale in the presence of the authorities, Giustino Mezzalira, Director of the Sezione Ricerca e Gestioni Agro-Forestali di VenetoAgricoltura, Silvio Parise, President of the Consorzio Alta Pianura Veneta, and representatives of other partner projects.


Opening of the photo exhibition “ECOGRAPHY OF CONTAMINATION” by Michele Lapini

Opening of the photo exhibition “ECOGRAPHY OF CONTAMINATION” by Michele Lapini

The great theme investigated by the author is climate change, which is presented through photography and that has already been able to attract many people and move the thoughts of visitors.

The images express the power of nature and its adverse events and the links that bind them to man, who is both the cause and the victim. However, the shots also show the attempts that have been carried out to solve the serious problem of the impact of climate change.


Opening of the Festival – “THE SHAPE OF WATER – Territories. Resilience. Community”

Opening of the Festival – “THE SHAPE OF WATER – Territories. Resilience. Community”

The festival focused on the need to collectively develop effective resilience strategies to the increasingly devastating consequences of the epochal climate change that the world is witnessing, with the involvement of local communities, using a variety of methods and forms of expression.


A rain garden in Santorso

A rain garden in Santorso


One of the Rain Gardens of Santorso municipality, an innovative bioretention system for rainwater management realized by the LIFE BEWARE Project, is located in Piazza Libertà.


New sustainable solutions for the improvement of the territorial hydraulic safety in the Altovicentino area

New sustainable solutions for the improvement of the territorial hydraulic safety in the Altovicentino area

Climate change and flood risk: the LIFE BEWARE project, co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union, is implementing an innovative prevention strategy adopting hydraulic risk mitigation measures in the Altovicentino area, in the Veneto Region (Italy).


The LIFE BEWARE project as case study within the Master Program “Governance of local development networks”

The LIFE BEWARE project as case study within the Master Program “Governance of local development networks”

The LIFE BEWARE Project has become a case study of the Master Program “Governance of local development networks” at the University of Padua, intended to form the experts of territorial growth processes who, starting this year, should come in close contact with the most innovative responses geared to prevent the hydro-geologic risks and increase the resilience of the territory, such as the interventions implemented in Santorso, Marano Vicentino and Giavenale of Schio.


Sustainable use of water in agriculture: the LIFE BEWARE project works hand in hand with farmers!

Sustainable use of water in agriculture: the LIFE BEWARE project works hand in hand with farmers!

Is dealing with water in agriculture as easy as drinking a glass of water? Unfortunately, it is not! For this reason, Veneto Agricoltura, LIFE BEWARE project, the Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry (TESAF) of Padua University and the Brenta Land Reclamation Consortium organized a series of meeting with the Italian Agricultural Associations to open a dialogue and focus on the subject.


“KIDS UNIVESRSITY BEWARE”: An innovative online campus on water and environment for young students in Santorso and Marano Vicentino

“KIDS UNIVESRSITY BEWARE”: An innovative online campus on water and environment for young students in Santorso and Marano Vicentino

On Friday 29th of May, it took place the first edition of the “Kids University BEWARE” which involved young students and teachers from the primary and secondary schools of Santorso and Marano Vicentino who had the opportunity to join an innovative online campus on water, environment and climate change.


The School of the Common Goods makes its big comeback!

The School of the Common Goods makes its big comeback!

The partners of the LIFE project BEWARE are relaunching a new edition of the School of Common Goods.


Hydraulic and hydrogeological risk mitigation: The farming world actively joins LIFE BEWARE project activities

Hydraulic and hydrogeological risk mitigation: The farming world actively joins LIFE BEWARE project activities

The main objective of the LIFE project “BEWARE” is to implement a strategy for adaptation to climate change and flood risk in urban and rural areas, through the active involvement of local communities.


Everything you need to know about water: A new Help Desk service on Natural Water Retention Measures

Everything you need to know about water: A new Help Desk service on Natural Water Retention Measures

Canva - Top View Photo of People Handshaking

Do you want to know how to improve water management in your property? Do you want to reduce flood risk in your territory?


Meeting: “The way the wind is blowing: the case of cyclone Vaia”

Meeting: “The way the wind is blowing: the case of cyclone Vaia”

The last public meeting of the first cycle of events promoted by the LIFE project “BEWARE, led by the Municipality of Santorso.
During the meeting “The way the wind is blowing: the case of cyclone Vaia” experts will provide in-depth information about the case of the cyclone which hit Northern Italy (Triveneto) in October 2018.


Meeting-Jury Trial: “Anthropocene and human wounds on our planet: is a cure still possible or are we at a dead end?”

Meeting-Jury Trial: ``Anthropocene and human wounds on our planet: is a cure still possible or are we at a dead end?”

The first cycle of events – realized in the framework of the LIFE project “BEWARE – BEtter Water-management for Advancing Resilient-communities in Europe” continues with an appointment dedicated to high schools: entitled Anthropocene and human wounds on our planet: is a cure still possible or are we at a dead end? will be performed at the Pasubio Cinema (Schio).

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