
The actions of BEWARE

Natural water retention interventions

Information and raise of awareness

Building regulations and territorial action plans

Support to citizens

Training for professionals

Education and dissemination

Networking and replicability

L’Italia si sta surriscaldando più velocemente della media globale, con un incremento pari a 1.45°C rispetto al trentennio 1971-2000 (contro lo 0.46 della media mondiale).      Il 91% dei Comuni italiani (contro l’88% nel 2015) si trova oggi in zona a rischio idrogeologico.      In Italia, il 22,5 % della superficie (68 mila km2) è a rischio alluvione.      Il consumo di suolo è in aumento in tutte le province italiane; nel 2017 persi 54 km2 di territorio, con una media di 15 ettari al giorno.

Beneficiaries of the project

We believe that the objective of improving the safety and hydraulic resilience of the territory cannot be pursued only through the implementation of major structural works, but requires an articulated and incisive action also at the social level.

Inspired by the principle that a virtuous action practiced by every citizen can produce a collective benefit even greater than that achievable by a major work, the LIFE BEWARE Project provides the activation of a participatory process for the involvement of all major stakeholders, territorial and otherwise.



Administrators and technical departments

Professionals in the sector


Other national and European municipalities

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