What is the Layman’s Report of LIFE Beware? Have an overview of the project

What is the Layman’s Report of LIFE Beware? Have an overview of the project

What is the Layman’s report? It consists of a valuable report summarizing the work of a LIFE project for a wide audience. In this particular case, the document will provide an overview of the progress and achievements of the LIFE Beware project over the past 46 months.


In addition to the LIFE Beware overview, objectives, partners, implementation area, and the reason for the project specifically in the Altovicentino area, it will be possible to find out about the project’s target audience, the actions carried out, and the results achieved. As many as 7 natural water retention measures between Marano Vicentino, Santorso and Schio, the creation of a help desk aimed at citizens, a purchasing group, and a new building regulatory framework for Marano Vicentino and Santorso. 


What is more, the creation of an Action Plan that could involve the municipalities and citizens of the Altovicentino area in developing proposals to make the area more sustainable and resilient. Through a participatory process. Measures that sound familiar to those who have known and followed Life Beware for some time and that may also be discovered by those who hear about the project for the first time. 


This and much more about workshops, events, conferences and digital itineraries make up LIFE Beware’s Layman’s Report, it’s available here.

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