Half a thousand students in the Alto Vicentino area were involved in the awareness activities carried out by the environmental guides of the Ecotopia cooperative (www.cooperativaecotopia.it) on climate change, the consequences suffered at local level and the prevention and mitigation actions carried out thanks to the Life Beware Project. In the context of the initiatives of education and empowerment of the younger generations carried out in collaboration with the Project, the intense program that alternated classroom activities with field visits was inserted.

Participating were the students, with their teachers, from the “Pasini” technical institute and the “Il Tessitore” comprehensive school in Schio and the “San Gaetano” in Thiene, who were the protagonists of the meetings held between April and May. And to collect even more enthusiasm and wonder of the boys were the educational visits by bicycle to discover the basins, rain gardens, green roofs and rain barrels. More specifically, the outings with the classes of the “Pasini” were 9 in a calendar of as many mornings in mid-May. The route on the saddle started from the school and went to Santorso, first to the basins in Via Volti, then to the rain garden in Piazza Libertà, to the green roofs and rain barrels in Casa del Custode and to the rain garden in the cemetery square, and from here to the Giavenale lake in Schio. Between one stop and another, the guides had the opportunity to highlight to the students the peculiarities of the conformation of the territory and the problems to which it may be subject due to the effects of climate change.

<<It is fundamental to be able to transmit to the young generations the more and more relevant value of the respect for the environment, the necessity to create measures of adaptation to the consequences of the climatic changes and the need to increase the degree of resilience of the communities in which we live – explains the responsible of the Life Beware Project, Lara Lupato -, starting to become aware of the criticalities present in the territory and of the interventions that can be adopted and that have already been put in place, thanks to the Project and to its advanced technical solutions>>.

Further educational activities of the Life Beware Project are scheduled at the beginning of the next school year also for the schools of Marano Vicentino in collaboration with the experts of the social cooperative Biosphaera (www.biosphaera.it).

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